General User Interface

Easy-to-Embed Reservation Form

Dashboard Overview

Online Calendar Interface

Reservation Management

Waitlist Management

Table Layout Map

Guest Profiles

Guest Contact Data Management

Reservation Scheduling

Multi-Room or Multi-Unit Management

Guest Communication Settings

Text Message Communication Option *

Multilingual Interface

Cancellation Link in Confirmation and Reminder Emails

Periodic Promotional Content in Guest Emails

Reports and Analytics

Performance Analysis

Guest Feedback

Reservation Statistics

Net Promoter Score Measurement

Data Security and Legal Compliance

Reservation Form

User-Friendly Interface

Date and Time Selection

Table Preferences

Number of Guests

Special Requests and Dietary Allergies

Reservation Purpose


Waitlist Option or Nearby Time Selection

Social Login with Facebook or Google Accounts

Display of Restaurant Menu

Hostess Interface Management

Table Management and Scheduling

Real-Time Table Updates

Table Layout and Map Management

Managing Walk-In Guests

Detailed Guest Information

Guest Communication (Text message, Email, etc.)

Notifications and Reminders

Waitlist Management for Walk-In Guests

Reports and Analytics

Reservation History and Records

Internal Messaging for Staff

Special Event and Function Management

Integrations and Automation

Integration with Restaurant POS System

Integration with Restaurant Management System

Text message or Email Marketing

Integration with CRM System

Try the Demo

We listen to our customers. We are constantly developing and expanding our system.


We constantly test and check our system to ensure the continuous satisfaction of our customers.


Our system is fully online and available digitally. There is no need to waste unnecessary paper.